Fr. Tommie L. Jennings
Pastor's Corner
Sunday, February 2, 2025

Today we celebrate The Presentation of the Lord. We celebrate the day Mary and Joseph brought Jesus to the Temple in Jerusalem, 40 days after Christmas.
We also celebrate the kickoff of Black History Month. Please check out this link. https://nbccongress.org/about/
Finally, we have been attending a number of meetings regarding immigration issues. Here is an important update concerning this issue:
Office of the Auxiliary Bishops and the Diocesan Immigration Task Force
Assistance for Undocumented People: Catholic Charities has developed a webpage in English and Spanish:
The page serves to provide reliable information, such as rights, how to find detained people or how to create a plan, like having a Power of Attorney in case something happens to them, and other resources. Business size cards will be available as well next week with a QR code to access the site easily. The site will be fully working this Friday, January 31. Catholic Charities will be available to offer workshops and training to our parishes, schools and ministries, as needed.
Please direct those people in your communities who may need this information to visit the webpages shown above. If you are asked by other organizations or people to allow them to come and offer their resources, first consult with Catholic Charities by contacting Vino Pajanor at vpajanor@ccdsd.org or (619) 323-2842.
Please keep praying,
Fr. Tommie L. Jennings